

specialist physical assessments

Holistic assessment of child’s health, musculoskeletal system, posture, functional mobility and 2-dimensional video gait analysis.

Assessment and treatment promoting client directed goals including improved motor skills, mobility and efficiency walking.


Muscle tone management

A child experiencing problems with muscle tightness from spasticity and dystonia can be overwhelming. You want to understand what’s happening, what caused the problem and importantly what can be done about it.

At MightyKids Rehab, we understand your concerns. Our multi-disciplinary team are highly trained and experienced in the management of issues associated with muscle tightness and tone. To achieve the best possible outcomes, a team approach is necessary.

We take a comprehensive approach to management, offering a range of supports internally and work collaboratively with partners. Options including:

  • Oral medications

  • Botulinum toxin intramuscular injections

  • Rehabilitation treatments

  • Orthotics prescriptions

  • Serial casting for muscle stiffness.


botulinum toxin injections

Botulinum toxin A intramuscular injections have been shown to be effective in managing spasticity and/or dystonia for neurological conditions including cerebral palsy, acquired brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. This is considered as a first line treatment where the increase in muscle tone is focal.

We offer this procedure using ultrasound guidance under conscious sedation, as a alternative with faster recovery that avoids the accumulative risk of multiple general anaesthetics. Our assessments involve a multi-disciplinary assessment and are functional goal based to achieve the best outcomes.